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Brunei first country to impose death by stoning for Adultery & Gay Sex



Brunei first country to impose death by stoning for Adultery & Gay Sex: Details, Highlights

Brunei on 3rd April 2019 enacted the strict Islamic law, a new penal code that imposes death by stoning for adultery and gay sex, as well as amputations as punishment for theft, despite widespread criticism.

Brunei is an absolute monarchy, ruled for 51 years by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. The 72-year-old Sultan is the world's second-longest reigning monarch and ranks as one of the world's wealthiest people.

The new law mostly applies to Muslims, though some aspects will also apply to non-Muslims. It stipulates the death penalty for a number of offenses, including rape, adultery, sodomy, robbery, and insulting or defaming the Prophet Muhammad.

Brunei also introduces public flogging as punishment for abortion as well as amputation for theft and criminalizes exposing Muslim children to the beliefs and practices of any religion other than Islam.

The Sultan first announced the new penal code in 2013, but the full implementation has been delayed since.

The new laws will make Brunei the first country in East or Southeast Asia to impose the new penal code at the national level, joining several mostly Middle Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia.


Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan (Also Largest City)

Currency: Brunei dollar (BND)

Official Language: Malay

Crown Prince: Al-Muhtadee Billah

Sultan: Hassanal Bolkiah


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