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IND-USA: COMCASA Agreement Benefits for Indian Defence Forces and Deterrence Policy



The Communications Competitiveness and Security Agreement (COMCASA) Benefits for Indian Defence Forces and Deterrence 

COMCASA signed a strategic agreement between India and the United States in the historic 2+2 negotiations. India will have access to the advanced and sensitive defence technologies of the US. With those defence techniques, India will be able to keep an eye on China and the neighbourhood.

The Communications Competitiveness and Security Agreement (COMCASA) will enable India to access US advanced defence technologies such as drones equipped with weapons. Thanks to Advanced Defense Systems, India will be able to keep an eye on China.

Under the COMCASA, the way to establish a special communication system on aircraft such as India's C 130 J Hercules Fighter Aircraft and Navy P81 will be clear, so that they can directly connect with the US Army. Think of this one example - Suppose an American naval ship traced the movement of the Chinese submarine around the Malacca Strait, then he would be able to share information like speed, location and direction of the submarine with the Indian Navy in real time.

Under COMCASA, it will be easier to keep an eye on China as well as closer to Pakistan. If India buys weapon-made advanced drones from America, then the two countries will be able to share important information under the agreement. Through the live satellite feed, a terrorist mobilization can be monitored in Pakistan.

If the US Navy detects any ship or submarine in China, it will not only share information like speed, location and direction from the Indian Navy but also send live video to it. 


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