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About Mobilise Your City Initiative Details, Aim, Benefits, Significance



About Mobilise Your City Initiative Details, Aim, Benefits, Significance

Mobilise Your City initiative is a part of an international initiative, which is supported by the French and the German Governments and was launched at 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) meeting held in December 2015.

As per on a proposal made by Agence Française de Développement (AfD) in 2015, the European Union has agreed to provide funds of Euro 3.5 million through the AFD to contribute to specific investments and technical assistance components within the Mobilise Your City (MYC) programme in India.

The MYC aimed at supporting three Indian cities on a pilot basis Nagpur, Kochi, and Ahmedabad, in their efforts to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions related to urban transport by implementing urban mobility plans at the local level and to help India at the national level to improve their sustainable transport policy.

Under MYC initiative, selected pilot cities will benefit from the technical assistance activities initiated under the programme.

Under MYC initiative, proposed assistance includes Supporting, planning, and implementing sustainable urban transport projects; Supporting the strengthening of institutional capacity for regulating, steering and planning urban mobility; Learning and exchanging formats with other cities across India to enable exchange on best practices


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