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About Pakistan's Sharda Temple and Proposed Sharda Peeth Corridor



About Pakistan's Sharda Temple and Proposed Sharda Peeth Corridor: Details, Features, Significance

Pakistan government on 26th March 2019, has approved a proposal to establish a corridor which would allow Hindu pilgrims from India to visit Sharda Peeth in the region of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).

Sharda Peeth Corridor will be the second corridor to be established after the Kartarpur Corridor which provides access to Gurudwara Darbar Sahib at Kartarpur in Pakistan.

About Sharda Peeth

Sharda Peeth is an abandoned Hindu temple and ancient center of learning in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK). The temple is dedicated to goddess Sharada, the Hindu goddess of learning.

Sharada Temple is located at Sharada village and it is here river Kishanganga and two streams Madhmati and Sargun meet. Goddess Sharada is the Kuldevi of Kashmiri Pandits.

Sharada Temple is also one of the three famous tirthas, or holy sites, for Kashmiri Pandits, the other two being the Martand Sun Temple and the Amarnath Temple.

Sharada Peeth is also revered as one of 18 Maha Shakti Peethas, or “Grand Shakti Peethas” which commemorates the location of fallen body parts of the Hindu deity Sati.

Sharada Peeth is believed to be a foremost center of learning Between the 6th and 12th centuries CE hosting scholars such as Kalhana, Adi Shankara, Vairostana, Kumarajiva, and Thonmi Sambhota.

Sharada Temple is about 150 km from Muzaffarabad capital of PoK and 130 Km from Srinagar currently under the control of Pakistan.


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