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WEF Energy Transition Index: India Ranked 78 Details, Ranking Tally, About



WEF Energy Transition Index: India Ranked 78- Details, Ranking Tally, About

India has been ranked at 78th among 114 countries on World Economic Forum’s (WEF) report released on Energy Transition Index  (ETI).

The WEF Energy Transition Index-2018 released as part of report titled ‘Fostering Effective Energy Transition’.

According to WEF ETI-2018 report, Sweden topped the list attaining 1st rank, followed by Norway which attained 2nd rank and Switzerland finished at the 3rd rank.

In WEF ETI-2018 report, other countries which appeared on the top 10 list includes Finland (4th Rank), Denmark (5th Rank), the Netherlands (6th Rank), the UK (7th Rank), Austria (8th Rank), France (9th) and Iceland (10th Rank). 

In WEF ETI-2018 report, BRICS countries ranking includes Brazil (38th Rank), Russia (70th Rank) and China (76th Rank).

The WEF ETI-2018 report has mentioned India as one of the largest consumers of energy (36,000 PJ) and is projected to grow in future. India has taken bold measures to improve energy access, energy efficiency and to improve deployment of renewable sources of energy.

The WEF ETI-2018 report statement stated that India ranks in third performance quartile and third readiness quartile, making it emerging country that is approaching the leapfrog category.

The WEF ETI-2018 report further stated that between 2013 and 2018, India has improved its performance score by 5.6 percentage points, mainly with improved energy access, reduced subsidies and reduced import costs.

The WEF ETI-2018 report also stated that India has the largest government-mandated renewable energy programme, with a target of 175 GW renewable energy capacity by 2022, and it announced plans to shift completely to electric vehicles by 2030.

About 'WEF ETI' Report 

The WEF Energy Transition Index ranks 114 countries on 18 indicators, including three key parameters which include on how efficiently countries are able to balance energy security and access with environmental sustainability, development and affordability.


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