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Zika Virus: Origin, Definition, Symptoms, Complications, Facts, & Details



What is the Zika Virus, and what are the symptoms of this viral disease? Introduction, and facts about Zika Virus

Most of us would hardly have heard of the Zika virus disease, or Zika, as it is commonly known. Zika, dengue, and chikungunya are all RNA viruses and each of them is transmitted by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti. These mosquitoes are quite common in Brazil and Columbia. In Brazil, this virus was about 8 months ago. Zika virus can spread its legs in more parts of the world. Although India is still looking far away from its hideout. It is to be noted that Columbia has the highest number of Zika cases after Brazil.

Zika virus was first detected in 1947. After this, it had spread to parts of Africa and South East Asia several times. US President Barack Obama has expressed concern over the latest situation. The World Health Organization says that these viruses can spread to almost all areas of South and North American continents.


The illness caused as a result of the Zika virus is quite mild, and many people do not even realize that they have been infected with the virus.

The most common symptoms of the Zika virus disease are:-

1) Fever

2) rash

3) Joint pain

4) Muscle pain

5) Conjunctivitis


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