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Indonesia plans to change its capital from Jakarta



Indonesia plans to change its capital from Jakarta: Details, Reason, Highlights

Indonesia is planning to move its capital away from Jakarta. One of the major concerns behind the move is traffic congestion in the Capital. 

The announcement was made by Planning Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro after Indonesia’s National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) presented its initial study on the capital relocation plan during a Cabinet meeting led by President Widodo.

President Joko Widodo’s government will now establish a new Capital out of the crowded Java Island to ensure more equitable development of the country amid environmental concerns and overcrowding issues.

The new location not decided yet. President Widodo-led government looks forward to forming the Capital similar to Washington D.C. and letting Jakarta sustain as the business, trade and financial hub, similar to New York in the United States.

The National Development Planning Agency or Bappenas presented three alternatives for the relocation of the Indonesian Capital. Have a look at these alternatives:

A 1st alternative was to keep Jakarta as the capital but establish a new government district around the Presidential Palace and the National Monument to improve efficiency.

A 2nd alternative was to establish a new capital located 50 to 70 kilometers outside of Jakarta.

A 3rd alternative was to confer the capital status upon a city outside the Java island, preferably located in the center of Indonesia to speed up development throughout eastern Indonesia.


Capital: Jakarta

Largest City: Jakarta

Official Language: Indonesian

Currency: Indonesian Rupiah

President: Joko Widodo 


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