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India And Thailand GK, Current Affairs, News

India-Singapore-Thailand Trilateral Naval Exercise SITMEX 19 Details, Features, Aim

India-Singapore-Thailand Trilateral Naval Exercise SITMEX 19 Details, Features, Aim India-Singapore-Thailand (SITMEX-19), a trilateral naval exercise has been started with its sea phase in the Andaman Sea. SITMEX-19 trilateral naval exercise was organized between ...

3rd Namaste Thailand Festival Held In New Delhi

3rd Namaste Thailand Festival Held In New Delhi: Details, Aim, Schedule, Highlights The 3rd edition of Namaste Thailand Festival which is organized by the Royal Thai Embassy with an aim to strengthen bilateral ties and increase cultural ...

Daily Current Affairs 8th August 2018 GK GS Bulletins

Latest Daily Current Affairs GK GS Bulletins 1. ISRO to launch its heaviest satellite GSAT 11 on November 30 2. Former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi died at the age of 94 years ...