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Indian Railways launched Mission Satyanishtha For Its Employees: Highlights



Indian Railways launched Mission Satyanishtha on Ethics in Public Governance for its Employees

Indian Railways had organised a programme on Ethics in Public Governance and launched Mission Satyanishtha at a day-long event held at National Rail Museum, New Delhi.

Ethics in Public Governance was the first of its kind event organised by any government organization in the country.

About Mission Satyanishtha

The issue of ethics, integrity, and probity in public life has been a matter of concern all over the government sector across the country.

In this reference, it is also extremely important that all railway servants adhere to impeccable conduct and integrity at all times.

Mission Satyanishtha aims at sensitizing all railway employees about the need to adhere to good ethics and to maintain high standards of integrity at work. Under it, talks and lectures on the subject were organised all over Indian Railways for this purpose.


  1. To train every employee to understand the need and value of ethics in personal and public life
  2. To deal with ethical dilemmas in life and public governance
  3. To help understand the policies of Indian Railways on ethics and integrity and employee’s role in upholding same
  4. To develop inner governance through tapping inner resources



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