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31 August: Malaysia Independence Day 'Hari Merdeka' 2019 Celebrations



31 August: Malaysia Independence Day 'Hari Merdeka' 2019 Celebrations

Malaysia Independence Day, also known as Hari Merdeka Day (Freedom Day) is celebrated every year on 31 August.

Malaysia Independence Day is recognized as Malaysia's National Day.

Malaysia Independence Day commemorates the independence of the Federation of Malaya from British colonial rule in 1957.

Malaysia was formed in 1963 when the former British colony of Singapore and the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak, joined the Federation of Malaya. This event is marked by Malaysia Day. Singapore left the federation in August 1965.

Malaysia's independence day is celebrated with a spirit of patriotism, office buildings, homes, and even vehicles proudly display the Malaysian flag. Also, other activities held during this period include stage shows, competitions, and exhibitions.


Capital: Kuala Lumpur (Largest City) 

Currency: Malaysian ringgit

Official Language: Malay

Prime Minister: Mahathir Mohamad


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