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Malacidins Antibiotics details, discovery, features, benefits, history



US Scientists Discovered New Antibiotics Malacidins from Soil - Details, Features, Benefits

US Scientists from The Rockefeller University in New York have pronounced the discovery of a new class of antibiotics named as Malacidins.

According to the report, this new discovery is in the wake to treat drug-resistant diseases which are one of the biggest threats to global health. They carry a rate of killing around 700,000 people per year.

The Malacidins antibiotic has been produced by the microorganisms living in soil and dirt.Scientists had utilized a gene sequencing technique to analyse more than 1,000 samples of soil taken from across the US.

The Malacidins antibiotic holds the capacity to kill several antibiotic-resistant pathogens and is exploited to fighting bacteria.

US Scientists had used DNA information that encodes production of antibiotic in daptomycin to study it.

The Malacidins are active against multidrug-resistant pathogens, sterilise Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) skin infections in animal wound model and did not select for resistance in laboratory conditions.

The Malacidins was tested on rats with MRSA skin infections. The condition was cured, and even after 20 days of continued contact with Malacidins, the rodents did not experience any side effects.

The Malacidins only target gram-positive bacteria with a very thick cell wall but proved ineffective against gram-negative bacteria which cause cholera, pneumonia, sexually transmitted diseases, and plague.


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