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Microwave propeller makes journey to Mars short NASA warp drive



New Possibility to travel to the Mars in one month, Moon in just few hours due to super-fast warp drive from NASA

Super-fast warp drive is an engine that would break any booster which is currently available.

This technology works on bouncing microwaves around inside a closed engine.

The microwaves act as a propeller which pushes the microwaves against the side of the container.

The new engine helps to travel to mars faster in just one month as compared to the previous technology which takes more than three months to visit the Mars

The technology is invented by Roger Shawyer, a British scientist and researcher, stated that this technology is a quantum leap- it would enable vertical take-off and landing for airplanes, it’s quiet and it uses liquid hydrogen as a fuel and its green too.

The NASA team also conducted the test to check whether any mundane sources of impulsive trust were found but nothing was present. 


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