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Cabinet approved Rs 825 Crores for Punjab's twin projects to restrict water logging



Union Cabinet approved funds worth Rs 825 Crores for twin projects to restrict water logging in Punjab: Details, Highlights

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on 26th September 2018 has approved providing central assistance worth Rs 825 Crores for twin projects to restrict water logging in Punjab.

The financial assistance funds include Rs 620.42 crore and Rs 205.758 crore (making a total of Rs 825 Crores) for the implementation of relining of Rajasthan Feeder Canal and Sirhind Feeder Canal respectively over five years from 2018-19 to 2022-23.

The implementation of these twin projects would help in addressing the problem of water-logging in 84800 Ha of land in Muktsar, Faridkot and Ferozpur districts in South-West Punjab and enhance the water availability in the two canals. The move would benefit the farmers in the area 

The funding for relining of the Rajasthan Feeder canal and Sirhind feeder canal shall be made through NABARD under existing system for funding of PMKSY-AIBP projects under LTIF.

Punjab (India)

Capital: Chandigarh

Districts: 22

Governor: V.P Singh Badnore.

Chief Minister: Amarinder Singh.


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