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FAO: Global Report On Food Crises 2019: Key Findings



FAO: Global Report On Food Crises 2019: Key Findings

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP) and EU “Global Report on Food Crises 2019”, shows that more than 100 million people worldwide are facing acute hunger and number is rising

According to the report, more than113 million people across 53 countries experienced “acute hunger” last year because of wars and climate disasters, with Africa the worst-hit region.

Moreover, an additional 143 million people in another 42 countries are just one step away from facing acute hunger.

Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, and Syria were among the eight nations accounting for two-thirds of the total number of people worldwide exposed to the risk of famine.

African Nations were “disproportionally” affected as close to 72 million people on the continent suffered acute hunger.


The Global Report is produced each year by the Global Network Against Food Crises, which is made up of international humanitarian and development partners. This year's report is being presented at a two-day high-level event, ‘Food and agriculture in times of crisis' that held in Brussels.


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