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PM Narendra Modi 2nd Most Followed Politician Globally After Barack Obama



PM Narendra Modi 2nd Most Followed Politician Globally After Barack Obama: Details, Highlights

According to the report released by digital marketing platform SEMrush on 7th May 2019, Prime Minister Modi is the second most followed politician in the world on social media after former US President Barack Obama.

The world’s most followed politician is the former US President Barack Obama with a total following of 182.7 million.

Prime Minister Modi with a total audience of 110.9 million on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

PM Narendra Modi with these figures surpassed US President Donald Trump who has 96 million followers globally. 

Trump enjoys the second most followed politician position globally on Twitter with 59.8 million followers.

PM Narendra Modi had around 47 million followers on Twitter, over 43 million followers on Facebook and over 20 million followers on Instagram, as per the report. However, these numbers do not represent unique users.

Indian National Congress’ President Rahul Gandhi gathered 12 million followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


PM Narendra Modi in April 2017, Time Magazine featured Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the annual list of 100 most influential people of 2017. 

PM Narendra Modi in May 2018, was ranked among the 10 most powerful people in the world in the Forbes World's Most Powerful People list 2018, topped by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

PM Narendra Modi in  July 2018, global communications agency Burson Cohn & Wolfe (BCW) released a report ranking Prime Minister Modi as the third most followed world leader on Twitter 


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