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Firecrackers GK, Current Affairs, News

CSIR has developed low-pollution crackers - self-made

CSIR has developed low-pollution crackers: Object, key point and benefits Scientists of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have developed such crackers that spread less pollution. This cracker is not ...

CSIR Introduced Less Polluting Firecrackers SWAS, SAFAL & STAR

CSIR Unveiled Less Polluting Firecrackers SWAS, SAFAL & STAR: Details, Features, Highlights The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) scientists have unveiled less polluting green firecrackers named SWAS, SAFAL, and ...

CSIR Green Firecrackers that absorb dust Features, Research, Crackers for Diwali

Supreme Court: Green Fire Cracker Important Facts About Crackers and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)  On the sale of fireworks on Diwali, the Supreme Court said in its ...