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India Ranked 6th World’s Wealthiest Country While USA Ranked 1st



India Ranked As 6th World’s Wealthiest Country While United States Topped- Ranking Tally, Review Details

As per the AfrAsia Bank Global Wealth Migration Review Report, India is the 6th wealthiest country in the world with a total wealth of USD $8,230 billion.

According to the review, the United States is ranked as the richest nation globally with total wealth of USD $62,584 billion.

The review ranked China with a total wealth of USD $24,803 billion in the 2nd position and Japan with USD $19,522 billion at the 3rd place.

As per the review, the UK was ranked 4th ($9,919 billion), Germany ranked 5th ($9,660 billion), India ranked 6th ($8,230 billion), Australia ranked 7th ($6,142 billion), Canada ranked 8th ($6,393 billion), France ranked 9th ($6,649 billion) and Italy at 10th place with ($4,276 billion).

As per the review, factors that will help India in wealth creation includes good educational system, large number of entrepreneurs, robust outlook for Information Technology (IT), business process outsourcing, real estate, healthcare and media sectors which will result in 200% rise 10-year wealth growth forecast.

India will overtake Germany and the UK to become the 4th largest wealth market worldwide by 2027.

As per the review, China in the coming 10 years, will witness a significant rise in total wealth to $69,449 billion by 2027, while the wealth of US would be around USD $75,101 billion.

Total Wealth

Total wealth means to private wealth held by all individuals living in each country. It includes all their assets (cash, equities, property, business interests) less any liabilities. It excludes government funds.


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