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Odisha Government Kharif Procurement Policy 2018-19 Features, Changes



Government Of Odisha Changes Procurement Policy for Kharif Crops for marketing session 2018-19

The Odisha government announced a change in food and procurement policy norms for Kharif marketing session 2018-19. As per this announcement, a decision has been taken to facilitate the small and marginal farmers in the purview of the purchase.

According to Odisha's Food Supply and Consumer Welfare Department, for the calculation of marketable surplus of paddy, the per member in the farmer's family will be given a discount from the previous practice of deduction of the requirement of personal consumption at the rate of three quintals of Paddy 2018-19. Has been.

According to the decision taken by the cabinet, an experimental target of buying 55 lakh tonnes of paddy from farmers has been set, which is about 37 lakh tonnes in the case of rice.

Payment of money will be done directly within the bank accounts of farmers within three days of purchase.

The Minister of Food Supply and Consumer Welfare has been authorized to revise the target according to the requirement.

In order to control the food and procurement policy for the year 2019 with the objective of controlling all aspects of procurement of paddy and rice during the upcoming agricultural session, the Cabinet decided that procurement of Kharif crop of paddy between November 2018 and April 2019 Will.

Paddy procurement will be done from May to June 2019. Payment of Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Rs 1,750 per quintal for the common variety of paddy fixed by the central government and Rs 1,770 per quintal for grade-A variety to be done.


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