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PM AASHA Scheme Features, Benefits for Farmers, Scheme to double farmer's income



Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM AASHA) Government Scheme Features, Benefits for Farmers, Details

The Union Cabinet has approved a new comprehensive scheme 'Prime Minister's Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan'  (PM-ASHA) on September 12, 2018.

The purpose of this scheme is to provide a fair price to the farmers for their produce, which has been announced in the Union Budget of 2018.

It is a step taken by the Government of India towards the protection of the income of the farmers, which is expected to provide a great extent to the welfare of the farmers.

Following the principle of deciding one and a half times the cost of production, the government has already increased the minimum support price (KSP) of Kharif crops (MSP).

It is expected that due to the increase in MSP, the support of the State Governments will go a long way in the procurement system, which will increase the income of the farmers.

Other current schemes of Food and Public Distribution Department (DFPD) for the purchase of Price Support Scheme (PSS), Price Minimum Payment Scheme (PDPS),

Private Purchase and Stockist Pilot Scheme (PPPS) and Paddy, Wheat and Nutrient Grains / Coarse grains. Besides, other current schemes of the Ministry of Textile for the purchase of cotton and jute will also be continued so that the farmers can be ensured MSP of these crops.


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