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Radioactivity and its uses in medicine, agriculture, carbon dating, Uranium Agglomera



Uses of Radioactivity in different fields of medicine, agriculture, and carbon dating

Use in medicine: Cobalt-60 is a radioactive isotopic that emits high-energy gamma rays. These gamma rays are used in the treatment of cancer. Even for the treatment of thyroid gland, adequate amounts of radioactive iodine isotope are displayed in the body.

Carbon dating: This method identifies the age of the remains of the organism. In every living being, every organism (plant or animal) carbon-14 which eclipses a radioactive isotopic element and closes after the eclipse. So, after the death, the quantity of carbon in the organism's body decreases naturally by its decay. Therefore, by measuring the activation of carbon-14 in a dead body, the time from its death to the present can be calculated.

Used in agriculture: How much fertilizer has been received by the plant, it is detected by the method of radioactive isotopes. This is called a tracer technique. Radioactive isotopes are also used in determining the volume of total blood transmitted in the human body.

Uranium Agglomeration: The age of ancient non-living substances, such as rock, is detected by radioactive minerals, such as uranium, which is present in them. By this method, the rocks taken from the Moon are 4.6 x109 or 4.6 billion years, which is almost as much as the earth.


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