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G7 Summit-2018 Concluded In Quebec, Canada Details Aim Purpose



G7 Summit-2018 Concluded In Quebec, Canada- Details, Aim, Purpose

Group of seven or G7 is the title given to the seven most industrialized and developed economies of the world who meet annually and discuss global issues.

G7 Summit is an event conducted annually where world leaders from seven powerful economies of the world, US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Japan and Italy come together to discuss flickering issues happening around the world.

G7 Summit-2018 was conducted on 5 international issues proposed by Canada such as:

1. Investing in growth that works for everyone

2. Preparing for jobs of the future

3. Working together on climate change, oceans, and clean energy

4. Building a more peaceful and secure world

5. Advancing gender equality and impacting women’s empowerment

The 44th G7 summit was held on June 8–9, 2018, in Quebec, Canada. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hosted this summit. 

This was the sixth time since 1981 that Canada has hosted the meetings

The 44th G7 summit-2018 was the first summit for Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

The 45th G7 summit or next G7 summit will be held in 2019 in France.

US President Donald Trump has annoyed the other G7 leaders with his heavy steel and aluminum tariffs. Such actions are expected to invite disagreement from other countries during the summit. France and Germany have refused to sign the final agreement unless Trump makes some major policy concessions.



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