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Nelson Mandela statue was unveiled at the United Nations



Nelson Mandela statue was unveiled at the United Nations: Details, Highlights

Nelson Mandela statue has been unveiled on 25th September 2018, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, the US

Nelson Mandela statue was built in order to honor the late South African leader's Nelson Mandela birth year. It will be permanently housed in the UN Visitors Centre

This year 2018, it marks the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's birth, and the U.N  is declaring 2019-2028 the "Nelson Mandela Decade of Peace.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said at the dedication ceremony that Nelson Mandela embodied the highest values of the United Nations peace, forgiveness, compassion, and human dignity. 

At a peace summit honoring the late South African leader at the UN, nations from around the world adopted a declaration recommitting to goals of building a peaceful, inclusive and fair world and "to revive the values for which Nelson Mandela stood" by emphasizing human dignity. 

United Nations

Headquarters: New York

Secretary‑General: Mr.Antonio Guterres


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