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US adventurer O’Brady Is First Person to complete solo trek across Antarctica



US adventurer O’Brady is the first person to complete solo trek across Antarctica: Details, Achievement, Profile

United States adventurer Colin O’Brady has become the first person to complete a solo journey across Antarctica, unaided and unsupported on 28th December 2018.

Colin O’Brady achieved the feat after finishing a two-month expedition in frigid temperatures and winds of 30 mph.

Colin O’Brady (33 years old), who hails from Olympia, Washington, took 54 days to complete the nearly 1,000 miles (1,600-kilometer) crossing of the frozen continent from north to south, with his voyage being tracked by GPS, and live updates of the trip were provided daily on his website

On 3rd November 2018, O’Brady and an Englishman, Army Captain Louis Rudd, 49, set off individually from Union Glacier in a bid to be the first to complete a solo, unassisted crossing of Antarctica. Rudd is about a day or two behind O’Brady.

Earlier In 1996-97, a Norwegian polar explorer, Borge Ousland, made the first solo crossing of Antarctica but he was wind-aided by kites on his voyage.


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