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India-Iran & Afghanistan first trilateral meeting on Chabahar port project



India-Iran & Afghanistan first trilateral meeting on Chabahar port project: Details, Highlights

The first trilateral meeting between India, Afghanistan, and Iran of Coordination Council of Chabahar Agreement was held in Iran's capital Tehran.

In May 2016, India, Iran, and Afghanistan had signed an agreement which entailed the establishment of a transit and transport corridor among the three countries using Chabahar Port as one of the regional hubs. 

During the meeting, detailed discussions were held between three sides on full operationalisation of trilateral Agreement for international transit and transport through Chabahar port.

Full operationalization of Chabahar port will promote connectivity and economic development of Afghanistan and region. 

Chabahar Port Project

Chabahar is strategically located in Sistan-Balochistan province on energy-rich Iran’s southern coast in the Gulf of Oman. It is less than 100 nautical miles from Chinese built port of Gwadar in Pakistan.

India in 2003 had first proposed developing Chabahar port. The port is seen as a golden gateway for India to access landlocked markets of Afghanistan and Central Asian markets bypassing Pakistan.

India and Iran had signed a lease agreement for operation of Shahid Beheshti port or phase 1 of Chabahar in February 2018. Under the terms of this agreement, India Ports Global Ltd (IPGL), an Indian company was to take over interim operations of port Chabahar and operate the terminal for 18 months.




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