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ISRO: Institute of Aerospace Medicine (IAM) Recruiting 30 Astronauts for Gaganyaan



Institute of Aerospace Medicine (IAM) gives training to Gaganyaan Mission Astronauts, Gaganyaan Training Features, Details

Gaganyaan mission which is announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech is set to be a turning point in space history, as it would make India one of only four countries in the world, after Russia, US and China, to launch a manned space flight.

The process for selecting three astronauts for India's first manned space flight will begin at the earliest to give them enough time to train for the 2022 mission.

IAM (Institute of Aerospace Medicine) will be responsible for the selection process of Astronauts for Gaganyaan Mission.

They could be from the air force or ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), or even a common man.

30 pool of people will be selected for this mission. Out of that 15 will be shortlisted and given basic training.

Three groups will be selected and each group will have 3 members. After that, they will go under rigours training. They’ll be trained in all basic first aid, and other aspects. 

Institute of Aerospace Medicine (IAM) has a host simulator in which they will train under -20 degrees to 60-degree centigrade.

Using the dry flotation simulator they will be trained for the microgravity. here is a simulator that can create pressure six times that of atmospheric pressure.


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