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Monsoon 2017 predictions below normal rain and chances of drought



Firstever forecast of Monsoon 2017 predicts 25% chance of below normal rain and 15% chances of drought 

Indian Monsoon have it's first forecast for rain during June to September indicates below normal rain in plains following El Nino in Indian Ocean.

According to weather scientists this year Monsoon may affect Kharif crops that include vital grains rice, maize, sorghum. 

In Indian subcontinent agriculture for Kharif crops heavily depends on Monsoon. A poor Masoon predictions is like an alarm for various agencies and people directly involved in the business.

El Nino process occur with rise in sea level temperature

El Nino is the process that regulate weather pattern in Indian subcontinent for Monsoon season. This year Indian Ocean temperature reportedly high for Monsoon strength.

As a result of El Nino there are chances of 95% less monsoon than average of LPA 887.


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