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English Industrial Revolution: fact, causes and impact on society



English Industrial Revolution: The industrial revolution was the rise of the modern era, this happened during the 18th to 19th centuries.

This was started by Sir Richard Arkwright in England with a spinning machine, which later led to the ability to mass produce things on a large scale.

No longer did they need to hire hundreds of people to create shirts or soap. This facilitated the rise of the 20th century. This translated later on to steam powered engines which also had applications in transportation which lead to railways and steamers to get around.

The systems of transportation, communication and banking also improved during this era. The US which until the revolution was an isolationist backwater became a major power with the rise of the industrial revolution.

The period may be called a revolution due to following reasons:

A period that 'revolutionized society' and redefined 'class'

A period that 'revolutionized commodity production'

A period that 'revolutionized the world economy' 

A period that signified 'class struggles' and 'revolution of the masses'

This invention of machinery was started in that branch of industry which was the most important in England, in the domain of textiles.


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