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Aadhaar Virtual ID features, Concept, Details, Working, Purpose



UIDAI Introduces Aadhaar's Virtual ID Concept-Details, Working, Purpose, features to protect privacy

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on 10th January 2018 initiated a new concept of ‘Virtual ID’ in order to meet privacy agitations.

The ‘Virtual ID’ or ‘Digital ID’ will be a transitional 16-digit random number, integrated to any individual Aadhaar number.

Aadhaar card holders can generate their Virtual ID from UIDAI website, further, they are also allowed to generate it for multiple times with the electronically cancellation of previous ones.

Aadhaar card holders, instead of sharing their actual Biometric ID or Aadhaar’s 12-digit number, can provide the 'Virtual ID' for several verification purposes, including Bank Account and SIM verifications etc.

According to the UIDAI officials, ‘Limited KYC’, has also been instituted under which it will only provide need-based or limited details of a user to an authorised agency that is providing a particular service.

The UDAI will start accepting it from 1st March 2018, onwards and from 1st June 2018, it will be mandatory for all agencies that undertake authentication to accept the Virtual ID from their users.


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