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Department of Animal Husbandry: Agreements, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,



The Department of Animal Husbandry agrees with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to improve animal health

The Department of Agriculture and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have agreed to work together on sustainably improving India's livestock sector to support the nation's food and nutritional security, as well as protect the economic wellbeing of small-scale livestock producers according to a multi-year Memorandum of Understanding.

According to the Department of Animal Husbandry, they aims to protect small-scale livestock producers' economic well-being while simultaneously promoting food security and economic development by bolstering animal health and production programs.

Building animal husbandry infrastructure, expanding businesses, and implementing the 'One Health' framework are all part of the livestock sector's development. According to the announcement, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will provide technical assistance for the design and implementation of new technologies, as well as the adoption of best practices that are applicable in the local context.

As part of this engagement, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will provide technical assistance for the design and delivery of new technologies, as well as the application of best practices applicable to the local environment.


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