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Biology: Function Of Xylem Tissue And Phloem Tissue



Biology: Function Of Xylem Tissue (Wood tissue) And Phloem Tissue (Bast tissue)

Xylem tissue-

A xylem tissue in plants which is responsible for the transportation of water and minerals in the plant.

It is responsible for the transport of water and minerals.

Transportation of water and minerals through xylem is known as the ascent of sap.

The flow is unidirectional in xylem that is upward direction.

It is made up of four types of cells out which three are dead and one is living.

Vessels, Tracheids, Xylem fibres-Dead cells

Xylem parenchyma-living cell

It is also known as Wood tissue.

Phloem tissue-

A vascular tissue responsible for the transport of soluble food throughout the plant body.

It is responsible for the transport of soluble food.

Transportation of soluble products of photosynthesis is called translocation.

The flow of food is both an upward and downward direction in the phloem.

It is made up of four types of cells out of which 3 are living and 1 is dead

Sieve tubes, Companion cells, phloem parenchyma-living cells

phloem fiber-dead cells

It is also known as Bast tissue.


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