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Conference of States’ Power Ministers Held in Shimla: Details, Objective, Highlights



Conference of States’ Power Ministers Held in Shimla: Details, Objective, Highlights

The Conference of Ministers for Power, New & Renewable Energy of states & union territories was held on 3rd July 2018 in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

The Conference of Power Ministers' was inaugurated by the Union Minister of State (IC) for Power and New & Renewable Energy, R K Singh.

The Conference of Power Ministers' is a one-day meet that aims to review the implementation of various ongoing schemes/ programmes & deliberate on a host of issues relating to power and renewable energy sectors.

The conference provided a platform to the Ministers and Secretaries of the states and union territories and senior officials of the power & renewable energy sectors and public sector undertakings. They discussed issues including 100 percent household electrification (under Saubhagya scheme) by December 2018, UDAY performance assessment, shifting to a prepaid system in three years and 24x7 power for all from April 1, 2019.

The conference also discussed the promotion of environment-friendly measures such as setting up of charging infrastructure for e-vehicles, review of progress on adoption of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) by the states and the UTs and establishment of standalone SDA for effective implementation of energy conservation and energy efficiency programmes. 

In the area of renewable energy, the delegates discussed several important issues such as Compliance of RPO targets, Preparation of month wise plans for bidding solar & wind capacity by states/UTs, Review of Solar Parks and Solar Rooftop ProgrammeBesides, issues including automatic exemption from lan, small hydro power, and biomass power.






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