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Maharashtra To Madhya Pradesh Tigers-350 Km-Journey-Longest-In-Country



Maharashtra to Madhya Pradesh A tiger has set a new record in about 70 days in a journey of 350 kilometers.

The journey of this tiger is still underway by making this special record of the highest distance in the shortest days. It is being told that at present, it is 100 km away from Satpura Tiger Reserve of Madhya Pradesh.

This tiger, which runs from Chandrapur thermal power station in Maharashtra, is seen on Monday evening in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh.

Before this, the Times of India had stated in its report that the tiger who traveled about 220 kilometers in 60 days in Maharashtra, had killed two people in four days on Tuesday. It is said that in search of a new area, this tiger came out of Chandrapur thermal power station in Maharashtra between 15-20 August.

Thus, in the last 70 days, he has covered a distance of 350 kilometers and his journey is still on. According to a Times of India report, in 2011, a tiger of Karnataka had traveled 280 km in 15 months.

It is said that during this journey many attempts were made to capture the tiger.

But due to the noise of the villagers or some other circumstances, the tiger has not yet been caught.

On the other hand, in the Amravati district of Maharashtra, the tiger had hunted two farmers working in the fields. After this, the administration had to keep the schools closed while declaring an alert in the villages.


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