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African Lion's cub born using IVF Technology Hope for Wild life conservation



African Lion's cub born using Test tube Technology (IVF technology) with artificial insemination in South Africa

Success has been achieved in the birth of Lion's cubs recently in South Africa by test tube technology. These lion cubs are born from artificial insemination.

This pair of lion cubs is the world's first such pair. The University of Pretoria is researching the reproductive system of African lionesses. These scientists have succeeded in giving birth to these cubs with the help of IVF technology.

According to information released by Andrea Ganswind, Director of Pretoria Mammal Research Institute, these tubes born from the test tube have a male and a female, are now completely healthy and normal.

Scientists have achieved this success after about 18 months of intensive testing and hard work. Scientists took the sperm of a healthy lion for these cubs. After that when the hormone level of lioness reached a normal stage, the sperm was artificially transported.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 'Lion species are on the verge of extinction in 26 African countries and their number has decreased by 43 per cent in the last two decades. There are about 20,000 lions left here at this time. If not tried to save them, they will actually become extinct.


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