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Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu in Romania: India and Romania Signed Many MoUs



Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu in Romania: India and Romania Signed MoUs: Details, Highlights

Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu visited Romania from September 18th September-20th September 2018 at the invitation of the Mr. Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, the President of the Senate of Romania. 

VP Venkaiah Naidu held a meeting with the President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Iohannis followed by a high delegation level talks and discussions.

Strong support for resuming India-EU Broad based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA) after Romania assumes Presidency of EU.

Romania’s support of India’s aspirations to become a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council.

Support to developing consensus on draft UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.

Special interest in Space and Aerospace,

also signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) on Cooperation on Tourism,

MOU between Petroleum-Gas University, Ploiesti and Pandit Deen Dayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar,

3 MOUs between Bucharest Chamber of Commerce each with CII, ASSOCHAM and PHDCCI.

Venkaiah Naidu also addressed India-Romania Business Forum. In Romania, the Vice President launched two books on Ayurveda and inaugurated an Ayurveda Information Centre.

VP Venkaiah Naidu also addressed the Prahova Chamber of Commerce in Ploiesti and also addressed the vibrant Indian diaspora in Romania on 20 September.


Capital: Bucharest

Largest City: Bucharest

Official Language: Romanian

Currency: Romanian Leu (RON)

Prime Minister: Viorica Dăncilă

President: Klaus Iohannis


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