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Geographical Indication (GI) GK, Current Affairs, News

Department for Promotion of Industry has registered four new GI Tags

Four new products registered for GI Tag under the Department for promotion of Industry and Internal Trade The Geographical Indication (GI) under the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade ...

GI Tag: Odisha gets Geographical Indication Tag for its own Rasagola

'Rasagola' The famous sweet of Odisha got Geographical Indication Certificate Odisha received the official recognition for its famous sweet 'Rasagola' from the Geographical Indication of India.  The 'Odisha Rasagola' got its registration ...

GI Tag: Geographical Indication Tag Introduction, History, Effects, Details

What is the GI (Geographical Indication) Tag? What is it used for?  The GI tag works as a government-issued stamp to certify that this product belongs to a particular location or ...