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Black Holes GK, Current Affairs, News

Stephen William Hawking: About, Details, Early years, Early life

Stephen William Hawking: About, Details, Early life, Works Stephen William Hawking, a British cosmologist, was born in England on Jan. 8, 1942, 300 years after the astronomer Galileo Galilei died. Despite ...

About Black Holes Details, Types, Position, Structures

About Black Holes Details, Types, Position, Structures Black holes are those objects that are dense with no matter and not even light can escape their gravity, and since nothing can travel ...

M87 Galaxy Black Hole image is first image of Black Hole taken in April 2017

Messier 87 galaxy black hole is the first black hole observed by Astronomers The interstellar medium in M87 is filled with gas that has been enriched somewhat by materials from stars ...