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Ocean Deoxygenation : Impact and solutions



What is the impact of ocean Deoxygenation?

At 100% saturation, the amount of oxygen available in one liter of water is ~35 times less than that in an equivalent volume of air. This means that in order for a marine animal to extract the same amount of oxygen in support of metabolism, the organism must pass 35 times more volume of the medium across their gas exchange surfaces (gills vs lungs) or have to be much more efficient in taking up oxygen than terrestrial organisms. Critical physiological processes like respiration depend on the flux of oxygen into marine organisms.

 Deoxygenation (reduced oxygen concentration) mostly affects the marine environment at the local level, nevertheless, economic and socio-economic impacts will impair the human society at the regional and global levels.

What is the solution to ocean Deoxygenation?

The Goa-based CSIR -National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) and UNESCO's Scientific Research Committee (SCOR) are scheduled to attend over 25 international experts and 75 Indian scholars.
The experts must try guidance to define and resolve the factors that influence the rate of aquatic nitrification (ammonium oxidation and nitrite oxidation) and denitrification in the face of decreasing levels of oxygen in the nutrient cycle.
The experts note that ocean deoxygenation has major impacts on maritime, energy, and aquatic geochemistry ecosystems.


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