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Article 35A History, Features, Objectives, Hearing in Supreme Court



Constitution Article 35A for Permanent Resident of Jammu And Kashmir, Features, Limitations, Benefits and Controversies, Hearing in Supreme Court of India

Article 35-A is part of Article 370. Article 35-A was added to the Constitution after the order of the President. 

Article 35-A provides the right to decide the definition of permanent resident of the Jammu and Kashmir government and the assembly there. 

The order passed by the then President Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 14th May 1954 on the advice of the Cabinet of then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru after which Article 35-A was added to the Constitution. 

Article 35A is never mentioned for bringing any constitutional amendment or bill in the context of making a part of the constitution.

The Jammu and Kashmir government considers those people as a permanent resident who had settled in Kashmir before the 14th May 1954.

The citizen of any other state of the country cannot live as a permanent resident in Jammu and Kashmir. 

The permanent residents have special rights for employment, acquisition of immovable property, settlement in the state and scholarship/aid provided by the state government.

Residents of other states cannot buy land in Kashmir.

Due to this article, permanent residents have special rights in buying land, getting employment and government schemes.

For the rights of girls, No girl from Jammu-Kashmir can marry a boy from another state of India. If a girl gets married to another state boy, then her rights are stripped.


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