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Maharashtra & Haryana Elections on 21 October: Model Code of Conduct Implemented

Maharashtra & Haryana Elections on 21 October: Model Code of Conduct Implemented Maharashtra and Haryana state assembly elections dates were announced by the Chief Election Commissioner of India, Sunil Arora which ...

Legislative Council: Election of Council Members, Criteria of Council Members, Tenure

How the members of Legislative Council get elected?  The Constitution of India (Article 168 & 169) provides for the bi-cameral legislature in certain states, Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly.  The Legislative Council ...

Delimitation Act: Meaning, Objective, Provision, Delimitation Commission

What is the Delimitation Act? Introduction, Basic Details, Significance Since the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir state into the UTs of J&K and Ladakh, delimitation of their electoral constituencies has been ...